Meat & Poultry

Australian Wagyu Beef
Australia is one of the biggest producers of Wagyu beef in the world, and uses its own grading scale, the AUS-Meat marbling system. The scale goes from 0 ( No Marbling) to 9+ (Extraordinary amounts of marbling), Different feeding techniques also impacts wagyu’s texture and size. Australian crossbred wagyu are fed for 350 to 450 days.

Australian Black Angus Beef
The Black angus beef is good equality meat with delicate marbling. The cattle tend to feed on grass initially, as they grow, ranchers may supplement their feed with corn or grain to further enhance the marbling.

Young Beef or Young Steer YG or YGS
Cattle have 0, 1 or 2 adult teeth
30 months old maximum
Males denoted as YGS while YG can be a male of femalesupplement their feed with corn or grain to further enhance the marbling.

Yearling beef or yearling steer YG
Up to 18 months old with no adult teeth
A male is labelled as YS while Y may be male or female

Lberico Beef from Spain
Iberian Beef comes from selected brands of the Iberian Peninsula such as Rubia Gallega, Casina, Mirandesa, Arouquesa, Minhota, and also for the Spanish market selects Simmental, Hereford and Holstein Frisian Breeds.

Veal V meat from cattle (male or female) with no adult teeth. Conventionally less than 70kg (154lbs)

Duck / Turkey/Goose / Corn Fed Chicken & Game Birds includes Grouse, Pigeon, Guinea fowl, Ostrich, Pheasant, Squab, Partridge

Iberico Pork
Iberico pork comes from pigs in Iberian Peninsula, a mountainous region covering the central and southern parts of Spain & Portugal. Iberian Pork meat is bright red compared to regular pig meat. Iberian pigs are fed mostly on acorns and are able to infiltrate a lot of fat in to their muscles, resulting in a more flavorful pork.

Premium Sri Lankan Pork
We source our pork from Sri Lanka. these pigs are whey fattened with byproducts of dairy industry and they have lived their entire lives outside of crate, they are antibiotic-free and are never administered growth hormones.
The Brand we love